Kellanova Employee Giving Campaign

Help Food Banks Nourish People and the Planet

Todos devem ter acesso aos alimentos saudáveis e nutritivos de que necessitam para viver uma vida feliz e saudável. No entanto, cerca de 783 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo enfrentam a fome, enquanto quase um terço de todos os alimentos são perdidos ou desperdiçados. Não tem de ser assim e os bancos alimentares liderados localmente podem ajudar.

At Kellanova, we believe in creating positive change and supporting communities worldwide, which is why we are proud to partner with The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN). GFN’s mission is to alleviate hunger and reduce food waste by advancing food banks in over 50 countries. Their dedication to sourcing and distributing food during times of crisis ensures that those in need receive essential nutrition. By aligning with GFN, Kellanova reinforces our commitment to sustainable practices and social responsibility. Your generous donations will directly support GFN’s initiatives, helping to build resilient food systems that can respond swiftly to emergencies and provide ongoing support to vulnerable populations.

GFN’s work goes beyond immediate hunger relief; they are also committed to addressing climate change by reducing food loss and waste, a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, 8-10 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions are caused by food loss and waste.

By efficiently recovering and redistributing nutritious food, GFN and its member food banks are nourishing people and the planet. In 2022, GFN member food banks prevented 1.5 billion kilograms of CO2e emissions — that’s equal to the emission reduction of taking 336,000 cars off the road for one year!

At Kellanova, our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainability align seamlessly with GFN’s initiatives. 

Donate today!

Join us as we partner with GFN for our employee giving campaign. We encourage you to join us in supporting GFN’s vital work by making a donation.

Together, we can alleviate hunger, support sustainable food systems, and make a meaningful impact on our planet’s health. Thank you for your support and dedication to this important cause.

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Sobre a Rede Global FoodBanking

A Global FoodBanking Network apoia soluções lideradas pela comunidade para aliviar a fome em quase 50 países. Enquanto milhões de pessoas lutam para ter acesso a alimentos seguros e nutritivos em quantidade suficiente, quase um terço de todos os alimentos produzidos é perdido ou desperdiçado. Estamos mudando isso. Acreditamos que os bancos alimentares dirigidos por líderes locais são fundamentais para alcançar a Fome Zero e construir sistemas alimentares resilientes.

A Global FoodBanking Network é uma organização de caridade 501(c)3 registrada no Internal Revenue Service dos Estados Unidos da América; as contribuições são dedutíveis de impostos na medida permitida pela lei dos EUA. A dedutibilidade fiscal fora dos EUA depende das regulamentações fiscais locais. O número de identificação fiscal (EIN) da GFN é: 20-4268851