Corteva’s Emergency Response Employee Giving Campaign

In one of the worst climate disasters in the country’s history, heavy rains and flooding have caused catastrophic damage in parts of Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state, where 107 people have died, 136 are missing, 374 injured and more than 1.4 million people were affected. GFN’s local partner, Sesc Mesa Brasil, with a network of 95 food banks across the country, has been working day and night to be a conduit for donations, providing food and other necessities for those displaced and affected by flooding.

When emergencies happen, food banks know how to source and distribute food and basic needs when supply chains are broken. Corteva aims to work with global aid organizations to provide financial support, and to establish the need for product donation, employee match, or volunteer support based on need.

We work with The Global FoodBanking Network and their Network of food bank partners around the world to address food security. As locally led organizations with deep connections to the communities they serve, food banks can quickly adapt and navigate broken supply chains to deliver immediate aid and long-term recovery. GFN is committed to helping food banks prepare for emergencies through specialized technical assistance, advising members as they create and update disaster response plans, and providing financial support where possible.

If you would like to personally contribute to help with relief efforts to support the local food bank, please consider a donation supporting GFN.

Sobre a Rede Global FoodBanking

A Global FoodBanking Network apoia soluções lideradas pela comunidade para aliviar a fome em quase 50 países. Enquanto milhões de pessoas lutam para ter acesso a alimentos seguros e nutritivos em quantidade suficiente, quase um terço de todos os alimentos produzidos é perdido ou desperdiçado. Estamos mudando isso. Acreditamos que os bancos alimentares dirigidos por líderes locais são fundamentais para alcançar a Fome Zero e construir sistemas alimentares resilientes.

A Global FoodBanking Network é uma organização de caridade 501(c)3 registrada no Internal Revenue Service dos Estados Unidos da América; as contribuições são dedutíveis de impostos na medida permitida pela lei dos EUA. A dedutibilidade fiscal fora dos EUA depende das regulamentações fiscais locais. O número de identificação fiscal (EIN) da GFN é: 20-4268851