Empowering women and girls is key to alleviating hunger for good

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volunteer food items

Throughout the year, families across the globe celebrate holidays and special occasions that mark the passage of time and uphold the cultures and traditions of their communities. Mothers and daughters are often at the center of these celebrations – planning and preparing family meals passed down by generations before them.

But for many women worldwide, keeping food on the table for themselves and their families has become more and more difficult.

Of the 364 million people who are severely hungry in the world today, nearly 60% of them are women and girls.

At The Global FoodBanking Network, we are working to ensure that women across the world have access to safe, nutritious food for themselves and their families.

By investing in GFN, you’re supporting food banks across six continents working hard every day to ensure that women and girls not only have the food security they need to survive, but the critical resources to thrive – today, tomorrow, and into the future.

글로벌 푸드뱅킹 네트워크(Global FoodBanking Network)는 미국 국세청에 등록된 501(c)3 자선 단체입니다. 기부금은 미국 법률이 허용하는 한도 내에서 세금 공제가 가능합니다. 미국 외 지역의 세금 공제 여부는 현지 세금 규정에 따라 다릅니다. GFN의 세금 ID 번호(EIN)는 20-4268851입니다.