코르테바의 비상 대응 직원 기부 캠페인

Turkey Emergency Response

Two powerful earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria on Monday, February 6, 2023, killing more than 10,000 people and injuring thousands more. The earthquake has displaced thousands of people including some of our own colleagues. This has created an urgent need for food, water, shelter, and healthcare. People in the region will need critical food and other supplies over the days and weeks ahead.

To aid the immediate response, The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) has created an Emergency Response Fund to support their partner in Turkey (Türkiye), 타이더 which is one of GFN’s global network of food banks reducing hunger in nearly 50 countries. Tider has a network of over 60 locally led food banks in Turkey. When emergencies happen, food banks know how to source and distribute food and basic needs when supply chains are broken.

Corteva aims to work with global aid organizations to provide financial support, and to establish the need for product donation, employee match, or volunteer support based on need. We work with The Global FoodBanking Network and their network of food bank partners around the world to address food security. If you would like to personally contribute to help with relief efforts in Turkey, please consider a donation supporting GFN with all donations to support humanitarian assistance in the area of food security. For every employee donation to The Global FoodBanking Network, Corteva will provide a dollar-for-dollar matching donation up to $100,000.

현재 기부금:

In times of crisis, food banks step up to meet the increased need for food relief. Food banks, like Tider, are rooted in the communities they serve and mobilize other locally led organizations to act quickly and effectively. Thank you for supporting GFN’s mission to advance food banks in almost 50 countries.

The Global FoodBanking Network is a 501(c)3 charitable organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service in the United States of America; contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by US law designated to our 2023 Annual Appeal.