DHL Employee Giving Campaign

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food items volunteer

푸드 뱅크가 더 많은 사람들과 장소에 다가갈 수 있도록 도와주세요

Everyone should have access to the wholesome, nutritious food they need to live happy, healthy lives. Yet, up to 783 million people across the globe face hunger while nearly one-third of all food is lost or wasted. It doesn’t have to be this way and locally led food banks can help.

In honor of World Food Day 2023 (October 16), join DHL Express to raise funds for The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) to support local food banks in nearly 50 countries and get us closer to a world free of hunger.

By developing strategic partnerships with organizations like The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN), DHL Express is helping to support society’s most vulnerable in the fight to achieve global food security and stability. Your donation will help support GFN’s response to crises related to hunger, and its mission to nourish the world’s hungry through uniting and advancing food banks.

오늘 기부하세요

Join us as we partner with GFN for our employee giving campaign kicking off September 26! Donate today and 100% of your gift will be matched thanks to a generous GFN anonymous donor. Your donation will double the impact to help support GFN’s response to crises related to hunger, emergency disaster relief, and its mission to nourish the world’s hungry through uniting and advancing food banks.

Let’s see how much we can achieve together!

현재 기부금: 기부 위젯

기부 양식

GFN is offering three ways to support their critical work.

    1. GFN의 글로벌 푸드뱅크 네트워크를 지원하기 위해 기부하세요.
    2. 감사 메시지 보내기 to a food banker in the GFN network across six continents in nearly 50 countries, thanking them for their tireless work in support of those experiencing hunger.
    3. 최신 정보를 받아보세요! GFN 뉴스레터에 가입하거나 팔로우하세요 페이스북트위터링크드인인스 타 그램유튜브 and share their work with your network!
    4. If you’re based in the US, support to end hunger here (DHL – Feeding America). For the rest of the Americas: Stay tuned, something is coming up soon!

We hope you’ll join us in supporting GFN as we work together to help those who are struggling to access enough food for their families.

글로벌 푸드뱅킹 네트워크(Global FoodBanking Network)는 미국 국세청에 등록된 501(c)3 자선 단체입니다. 기부금은 미국 법률이 허용하는 한도 내에서 세금 공제가 가능합니다. 미국 외 지역의 세금 공제 여부는 현지 세금 규정에 따라 다릅니다. GFN의 세금 ID 번호(EIN)는 20-4268851입니다.