
Millions of people need access to wholesome food. Your gift to GFN helps locally led food banks build more sustainable food systems for people and the planet.
volunteer food items

Accelerate our Work

Donate today and double your impact!*
lovage flourish

*All gifts will be matched up to $790,000 through June 30, 2025 or until the match is met.

The Global FoodBanking Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are 100 percent tax-deductible to the extent allowed by US law. EIN 20-4268851.

Host a Fundraiser

Celebrate your birthday, wedding, or special moments with a fundraiser for GFN, host an event, support us through a marathon or race — the options are endless and it’s easy to get started!

Launch your fundraiser today with our online tool below or on Facebook and Instagram.


Other Ways to Give

By mail: Send contributions to:
The Global FoodBanking Network
70 E. Lake Street, Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60601

By phone: Call us at +1.312.782.4560

By wire: If you would like to make a donation by SWIFT/International Wire Transfer, please contact our Development team for wire transfer instructions.

Make a planned gift: For more details about including GFN in your will, click here.

Other options: Donations of marketable securities, charitable securities, and other assets are much appreciated. To learn more about supporting GFN in this way, please contact us at +1.312.782.4560 or

Have questions?

We would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us if you would like more information about donating to GFN.

Email us

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