Supporting Start-up and Growing Food Banks

We’re providing expertise and resources that make it easier for food banks to get off the ground where they’re needed and develop rapidly and responsibly.

We help start-up and growing food banks get to where they want to go.

As innovative community leaders start food banks to ensure all their neighbors can access food, we’re there to lend our expertise on what we’ve learned through our years of experience. When recently established food banks are ready to take the next step and scale and expand their efforts, we’re there to help them think through building infrastructure, connections, and personnel in a way that best suits their needs.

GFN is committed to supporting the expansion of the food bank model in places where there are high instances of food insecurity, insufficient social protections, and few existing food banks—like parts of sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia.

GFN believes a food bank can only be successful when it’s locally designed and owned.
Chris Rebstock, GFN Director of Field Services

Food Bank Accelerator

Once new food banks are established and operating, our Food Bank Accelerator program provides the next steps and resources to accelerate development. In 2019, we launched the Food Bank Accelerator program to help newly established food banks serve more people, more efficiently. Since program participants are typically located in places where the food banking model is fairly new and unknown, the services we offer are especially valuable and help food banks establish credibility.  

These services include:

  • Intensive technical support
  • Mentoring
  • Partnership opportunities

The Accelerator helps start-up programs consider all the elements necessary to establish and sustain a food bank, including safe food handling requirements, infrastructure needs, community partners, and other areas.

We not only learned valuable skills that we will take back and implement at the food bank, but we also connected and built relationships with other food banks in Asia and will continue to collaborate.
Nguyen Tuan Khoi, Founder & CEO Foodbank Việt Nam

Accelerator Leads to Agricultural Recovery Innovation

When the COVID-19 pandemic triggered panic buying and supply chain disruptions, Food Banking Kenya (FBK) had to rethink the way it distributed food. FBK staff members attended GFN’s Accelerator sessions and learned about FoodForward South Africa’s agricultural recovery program, which recovers surplus produce directly from farmers, ensuring that wholesome, nutritious food does not go to waste. Later, representatives from FBK actually visited FoodForward South Africa’s program during a training event convened by GFN.

Inspired, FBK took the lessons they learned from their peers and greatly expanded their own agricultural recovery efforts, enabling the food bank to recover more than 296,000 kilograms of food from farmers and serve 174,000 people, a significant increase over the 26,000 people served in 2019.

Find Out How Training and Peer-to-Peer Support Help Food Banks Grow and Adapt